Apr 9Liked by Ginni Simpson

I have had many similar experiences throughout my life. I met my husband’s cousin before I met my husband. She was from Massachusetts and was visiting her aunt for a few weeks. My grandmother asked me if I would be willing to spend time with her and show her around Los Angeles. I picked her up at her aunt’s condo and saw a portrait of her cousin Gary hanging on the wall. I had a strong feeling that I would marry him some day. We met that December when he was home for a visit. We both felt so comfortable with each other as we went on dates every day for two weeks. He moved home to Los Angeles in February. We were married in June.

I have learned to trust it when these kinds of things happen. I often hear myself imparting information to another person when asked for advice. As I speak I know that the information isn’t mine. I am merely the messenger. I know without a doubt that what I am saying is true. I often learn something for myself as I share it with the recipient. When this happens I am so grateful to the source of this wisdom.

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Apr 10Liked by Ginni Simpson

Powerful! Thank you

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I often experience a deeper sense of knowing. Sometimes, during a massage, I will hear words or see something in my head. Years ago, when it first began happening, a gentle internal nudge suggested I share the information. As I resisted, the nudge became a shove. Now, when I receive a message, I know to share it. The words come from outside myself and almost always land accurately for the client.

If I request assistance while writing, the words flow from outside myself, onto the page. I am often astounded by the message when I read it. I see a marked difference when I force myself to write as a discipline, rather than allow it to flow from inspiration.

When prompted to speak before a crowd, I am propelled forward, reluctantly taking center stage. Face burning, words flow without me planning them. I don’t usually remember what I’ve said, but they are received by those who hear .

Thank you for opening the door to inspiration.

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Ginni, this was wonderful, reminding me of the many times I've received information from the cosmos. But the thing is, we ARE the cosmos! So how do we position ourselves to live and honor that? How do we reside more in our soul than our ego? Meditation is probably a good start . . . love you, samantha

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I also had a German Shepherd named Samantha. She was a lovely dog.

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