There is nothing I know of that beats gratitude for every day unless it's gratitude for every breath we take. I am looking at finishing 87 years in 16 days. There are no guarantees I'll make it but rest assured. That's what i'm doing, resting assured. I was drawn to your title partly because of my title, "From Both Sides Now" so we must be reading the same script. I had a convertible or three, a motorcycle or two, loved skiing downhill, always wanted to drive a real race car with a number painted on the side. When I suggested to my wife that I paint a big white number on the side of her racing green Mini Cooper S convertible, she said flatly, "No, I don't think so." Nowadays, not so much in a hurry to get anywhere but still traveling.

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Thank you, Gary. If you’re like me, the script we’re living from is written in the awareness and choices we make each moment.

Wishing you a wonderful birthday in 16 days 🎂🎂🎂

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Jun 5Liked by Ginni Simpson

I'm very lucky to be relatively healthy, especially when compared to many of the seniors who live in this very large Senior Apartment complex. There's an ambulance carting someone away once a week it seems. And I see my peers struggling with their walkers just to go get their mail.

I have good days, and bad days, struggling these days with depression over the situation in Gaza and witnessing such cruelty and aggression, when it is women and children who are suffering the most.

I'm terrified that the election in November will be very traumatic--no matter who wins, there will be protests that the election was "rigged," or some other insane comments. Truly, these are the things I worry about daily.

And I feed feral cats here, which the management says is a crime worthy of eviction. I used to worry about that, but they can't enforce such a command. The County neuters only the males and sends all the feral cats right back where they found them. Right now we have kittens running and hiding in the bushes, and I risk my neck by giving them minimal food and lots of water (our temps are now in the 90's and 100's). I'm 83 and while I have loving grown children, and a few good friends still alive, I'm not afraid to die--only need to secure a loving home for my kitty--my buddy--who has many more years to live and I don't.

Lots of folks got pets during the pandemic and then went back to work, and back to the shelter went the poor animals! This is a problem all over America!

Peggy, keep up that attitude, you give me hope!

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Jun 5·edited Jun 5Author

Thank you for sharing, the good and not so good in your life.

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Ginni, every word touched my heart. When the days are dark, I try to go outside (even when it “too” hot or cold.)

If I don’t feel up to walk, I sit. I watch the clouds, the birds, the trees.

I remind myself that everything is here at the right time. Even me.

I’m glad I found you 💜

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Jun 4Liked by Ginni Simpson

Oh how I relate to this path and journey we are all on. You haven't lost the hidden spirit under those spider webs growing on you. ha, ha. I hope that will also remain on my own journey.

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Didn’t you mean spider veins?🤣🤣

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That too. 😂

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Jun 4Liked by Ginni Simpson

Beautiful message...thankbyou for sharing...remember you are only getting more beautiful and authentic

Blessings and love


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Thank you.

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Got there before you- I turned 75 in March. You’ll be 👌🏼… albeit a little creaky (and cranky? Or is that just me?)

What’s 75 supposed to feel like, anyway? What you’ve written must encourage you- it does us. Thank you.

For myself I think

- “keep that sense of humor. It’s critical.”

- little miracles all around, be on the lookout

- there is a God and it’s not me

- as I tell my granddaughters: “learn something new every day.

Love and congratulations. Write on!!

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You're not only an extremely talented wordsmith, but today's post proves that you're also a timely therapist. Seven years ago, at age 75 with an achy-breaky heart, even after having open heart surgery five years prior, I still had strength and energy beyond measure. I've traversed many bumpy roads in life, but through it all, I still presented a positive attitude and a great sense of humor. After all, laughter is the best medicine., right? For the last twelve months, I've been hit hard with multiple health issues that have totally sucked joy, humor and positivity from my life. I'm a me I no longer recognize. Your words today spoke to me loud and clear. Thank you for providing the spark that will enable me to rise from the ashes of depression and look at my situation with a new and better attitude by focusing on gratitude for what I can do instead of what I'm no longer able to do.

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Wow, Peggy. I am humbled by your words and delighted that what I wrote has shifted your perspective. You go, girl!

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I just decided that instead of waiting for someone to see me, the way I want, I will see myself, the way I want. It's not perfect, but it's ok.

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Another great post! I love your sense of humor and perspective. I’m still a baby at 65!,,,,🌝

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You’ll always be young to me. That’s why it’s a good idea to have older friends.

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And an older husband! I stay the young'n and learn from all that go before me, which is an impressive group!

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6Author

Jim is a seasoned gem!

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I enjoyed this, Ginni, and can relate to time speeding up as we get older. I am working on focusing on, "what I can be grateful about rather than everything that might be going wrong." I take too much for granted and yes, fill too many days, "with worry, regrets, and demands about how a day must look for me to enjoy it." You are so spot on! I think my retirement is what allowed me to take a breath, slow down, and start being intentional with my time. But it sure is a challenge, so I appreciate your thoughts!

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Positivity wins! Thank you for this reminder to turn our whining, woe- is-me thiughts around…reframe it! I like that phrase! You’ve said it perfectly here…beautifully done! 😊🤗❤️

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Thank you.

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Ginni, this was a delightful read! What I find works for me is to be as present to the moment as possible. Don't miss a thing right now, in this moment. Show up for myself and others. Time is a construct in my mind, not at all "real", but helpful to control the external environment in which we live. I don't take on what our culture says about "old age" or what it means to be 73, as those are constructs as well. For me, it's about how kind can I be to all sentient beings, and my relationship to the Divine. I pretend in my head that I'm evolving every day . . . getting better and better (whatever THAT means. . . LOL!)

love to you!

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What you wrote is in alignment with everything I’ve witnessed and known about you from the moment we met long ago. You move through the world shining love and kindness.

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