Apr 23Liked by Ginni Simpson

At first, I was confused and finally realized it wasn't YOU but your father!! After I read the paragraph at the end that explained everything, I went back and read it again. I hope your father's spirit saw himself after he died and was able to let go of his anger!

I just happened to finish a marathon of reading about Near-death studies and wonderful true stories written by Trudy Harris, a hospice nurse. It started when saw a DVD, "90 Minutes in Heaven," and then saw that I also had the book, and read that, and then I saw that I had about 7 books on that subject and read them all (I buy books at our library book sales and sometimes don't even know I have them until I spy them on the shelves).

Every single thing I've read tells me that when we die, we see our lives in retrospect, and we see and feel the pain we have caused others. Wow! I'm not looking forward to THAT! But supposedly, we don't let that stop us from entering the "Pearly Gates," since God forgives us. It US who have a hard time forgiving ourselves.

Your father died at a far too young age, Ginni. Maybe you could write about what it was that made so much anger in himself that it caused him to die so young.

And just maybe your writing in his voice about his sorrow and regret was an actual glimpse into the feelings he did experience as he saw his own "life review." Very possible, Ginni!

I'm not afraid of death. But I am afraid of dying if I get a stroke and have to be in a freaking "rest home!" THAT is a fate worse than death!

Have a nice day! (Sorry, couldn't resist that!)

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This was a unique way to tell the story. It’s good to look at situations from a different perspective. You told it well.

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Apr 24Liked by Ginni Simpson

So powerful! What a great insight. Thank you

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Apr 23Liked by Ginni Simpson

From my perspective Ginni, you nailed it!! Nice work!! Xo

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Oh my. This shook me to my core. And yes, Ginni is healing all of you. She gave you a new house with your pipe and your wife in the afterlife and when you meet there all ego-istic efforts fall to the wayside. Grand father and Grand Daughter.

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Apr 23Liked by Ginni Simpson

This is an amazing piece of writing. I am in awe. It reminds me of The Journal Workshop in its depth and insight.

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Apr 23Liked by Ginni Simpson

Wow, While reading I felt I was in your backyard with you!

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